The essence of leadership, Vector

Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

The essence of leadership, Vector

Our lives are led by many leaders.

On the subway to the work place, by the driver. At the work place, by CEO or the owner. After working in the bar, by the bartender. And then at home, by your wife or husband.

At the same time, we are all leaders.

The person as a captain leads the ship or army, the team leader leads his team, the owner leads the company or shop, and It's also self-reading that you leads yourself.

We're all leading someone and we're being led by someone.


However, are we all good leaders?

If a leader makes a mistake, someone's life can go down in a flash. There are more cases than you think that leaders make mistakes.

Like this, leadership is too important in our lives. Therefore, we must know real leadership well for our safety and development.

Now, let's take a look at real leadership.

Leadership is the force that makes the movement of the organization, so you need to know the force.

Force is vector, the physical property. Vector is physical quantity that has three elements: the point of action (starting point), direction, and magnitue(size).

By comparison, it's called Scalar if something has the only magnitude(size).

A person's height is scalar. It is ok that You just know the length or the size.

But going from Seoul to Busan is vector.

The distance(size) between Seoul and Busan is important, but we also need to know the direction of southeast and the starting point, Seoul where we leave.

You need 'force' to go from Seoul to Busan. Therefore, force is a vector that must have not only magnitude but also direction and point of action. Vectors can be maked with arrows.


Leadership also has to be vector. Leadership must be well-equipped with all three elements of vector: point of action, direction, and size. Leadership does not work properly if one or more of the three elements are missing.

Vector is the essence of leadership!

​Leadership is not a scalar that can be simply spoken with words such as winning, servant, emotion and empathy. There's no direction in the words.

Someone can think vector is too basic for leaders. Unfortunately, however, there are many leaders who don't even have that natural vector element.

So let's study each element of the vector for leadership!

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