The beginning of the force is the ‘Start point’ of the vector. Leadership is also a force, so it has a start point. The start point of leadership is the reality of the organization.
Leaders must be aware of their organizations, works, people and their surroundings. They need to know what the organization can and cannot do, what the possibilities are, and what the risks are. This is the ‘reality awareness’.
If the leader does not know the ‘Start point’, he cannot determine the direction. And the magnitude of the force cannot be determined too.
The better you know reality, to know where to lead people and how far you need to move. A good leader pays the most attention to reality above all else. He thinks endlessly who we are, what we can do, who are competitors? the market? overseas? country?
After that, the leaders can set the direction and distance to move. Bringing the destination into us .
Leadership starts with reality awareness.